
New Mindset, Different Approach , New Results…. The You that You Want


Two decades ago smoking cessation, weight loss, combined with habitual behaviours such as nail biting and teeth grinding were the most common treatments I undertook in my practice. Now the most common issues people call about include: disruptive sleep patterns, lack of motivation and focus, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, which eventually manifest into anxiety [...]

New Mindset, Different Approach , New Results…. The You that You Want2023-09-13T15:08:40+00:00

5 Reasons Why It’s Hard to Change Your Behaviour


Change Your Mindset, Change Your Habits Habits are something we all have in common, those things we do so often they have become almost involuntary, some are good and some have negative results, the degree of harm varies from a little to a lot. We struggle to make long term lasting changes in those areas [...]

5 Reasons Why It’s Hard to Change Your Behaviour2019-01-15T01:20:59+00:00
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